Chamblee Marching Bulldogs
Member Info for 23-24 Season
Percussion and Color Guard Camp
Percussion and Color Guard Camp is July 17-20, 8:00am to 3:00pm daily, at Chamblee High School and is mandatory for members that will be marching percussion and color guard for the season.
Band Camp
Band camp will be July 24-28, 8:00am to 8:00pm, at Chamblee High School. Attendance at the ENTIRETY of camp is mandatory for participation in the season.
Season Schedule and Rehearsals
Preliminary Football Game Schedule is here. Regular Marching Band rehearsals during the school year start on the first day of school (August 7) and are as follows:
Mondays and Tuesdays 4:00pm to 6:30pm
Thursdays: 4:30pm to 7:00pm
Fridays (when there is a football game) - 4:00 to 5:00pm rehearsal, dinner (provided) and then football game.
Marching Competitions
Two Saturdays a years, we participate in marching band competitions. Attendance at competitions, games and rehearsals is mandatory.
Dues are $550. First payment is due by May 24, 2023. Please pay in full no later than June 30, 2023...or set up a payment plan. Take the hassle out of remembering to pay dues installments by setting up an automatic draft plan! Payment plans can be arranged with CHS Band Booster treasurer at
You can pay dues by credit card (follow link below) or by check. Checks can be mailed to address below or put it in the black lockbox/dropbox in the band room. Be sure to include your band member's name on the check.
A $25 sibling discount can be applied with a 2nd or 3rd child in the same family participating in Marching Band during the 2023-24 school year. (Family discount for siblings: $50 for 2 students, $75 for 3 students.)
Your dues pay for:
"Show Shirt" T-shirt
Band Camp (activities, dinner M-Th)
Section coaches salaries not covered by the county
Meals before Friday games, breakfast before competitions
Transportation to competitions
A professional score and drill for our halftime show
Uniforms and uniform maintenance
Additional Costs for Members
Marching Shoes: Every instrumentalist and percussion member MUST wear Marching Shoes as part of their uniform. New shoes are $45/each. We have a limited number of gently used shoes, available for $5/each on a first-come, first-served basis during band camp.
Khaki pants, shorts or skirt. For some games and events, band members will be required to wear their Marching Band T-Shirt with light colored khakis (shorts, pants or skirt). Band members must provide their own khakis and sneakers.
Color Guard Members only: You'll also need to purchase teamwear including gloves, warm-ups, backpacks, and shoes (if you don't already have them). More info and prices will be available soon.
If you have any questions or concerns about the CHS MARCHING BAND policies and expectations, you can find the band handbook Here.